Advocate workspace citrix
Looking for: Advocate workspace citrix Click here to download CITRIX Advocate workspace citrix Citrix Workspace. What's New. Get started with Citrix Workspace. Deliver DaaS with Citrix Workspace. Access and share files больше на странице Content Collaboration in Citrix Workspace. Prepare for Citrix Workspace. Secure workspaces. Integrate services into workspaces. Manage your workspace experience. Customize workspace notifications. Customize the appearance of workspaces. Customize перейти interactions. Customize security and privacy policies. Customize Citrix Workspace app settings. Optimize DaaS in Citrix Workspace. Aggregate on-premises virtual apps and desktops in workspaces. Optimize connectivity with Direct Workload Connection. Service continuity. Optimize workflows. IT Self-Service. HR Self-Service. Sales Productivity. Employee Well-being. Document History. Aviso legal. Este texto foi traduzido automaticamente. Este artigo foi traduzido ...