Error: "Incorrect credentials. Try again." When Logging to NetScaler Gateway
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Citrix receiver incorrect username or passwordWhy do I see the error "incorrect username or password" during a Citrix Gateway logon?
Citrix receiver incorrect username or password
Issue: Citrix FAS SSO "Incorrect Username or Password" Kerberos Event ID 9 - Trending Articles
You win this time, Google. You may also get Error ID 8 with the following message: The domain controller rejected the client certificate of user username domain. The following error was returned from the certificate validation process: A certification chain processed correctly, but one of the CA certificates is not trusted by the policy provider.
You may also get Error ID 9 with the following message: The client has failed to validate the domain controller certificate for citrix 1903 domain. The actual cause of our particular issue eluded us for some time, and we felt perpetually beat up by Microsoft PKI infrastructure, which is the underpinning of Citrix FAS and thus why most error conditions with FAS end up being Microsoft-related.
There was Citrix KB found shortly after we resolved our issue via a Microsoft TechNet discussio n, that had not come up before, perhaps due to modest citrix receiver incorrect username or password in error messages or event IDs or just bad SEO.
The resolution was pretty much the same as what will be described here as a resolution. It was devoid of any of the necessary intermediate certificates of our CAs who are issuing our virtual smart card certificates. When running that command, if you receive a screen pop-up that indicates no certificates are available, you are affected by this issue of NTAuth certificates missing.
The steps to resolve the issue are found within the two references from Citrix and Microsoft mentioned earlier, but essentially to resolve the issue, we need to get the trusted intermediate certificates i. Once these were in place, our FAS solution worked immediately. This did mean we also had to ensure the master images were updated with this configuration as well. Launch MMC. Navigate to Intermediate Certificate Authorities and export the internal CA certificates trusted by the computers on the network.
In our case, there was a total of 4, but more than likely 2 is more common for most. Exporting them in DER format is fine, and place them on the desktop or someplace easy to access as we will be calling them via CMD in the next step.
Repeat the process for the other files. Run the citrix receiver incorrect username or password command again, which should bring up a window with citrix receiver incorrect username or password imported certificate s for your CA s.
With the CA certificates now imported into the right location on your VDA and now presumably on all VDAs that could host a session when testinggo ahead and launch a published app or desktop. It should proceed normally for SSO. Citrix receiver incorrect username or password it fails, double-check your work. A passionate virtualization and digital workspaces advocate, he has designed, engineered, or otherwise advised clients on Citrix, VMware, and Microsoft technology platforms across the globe.
Michael Shuster. Connect with. I allow to create an account. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. We also get your email citrix receiver incorrect username or password to automatically create an account for you in our ссылка на страницу. Once your account is created, you'll be for ipad instructions citrix receiver to this account.
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